Get “Clear” Program
Six 45-minute customized coaching calls (over Zoom)
Unlimited text and Voxer (walkie-talkie type app) support
Assignments and writing prompts for self-discovery
Recommended articles and videos custom to your journey
Hone It & Own It Program
12x 45-minute customized coaching calls (over Zoom)
Unlimited text and Voxer (walkie-talkie type app) support
Assignments and writing prompts for self-discovery
Recommended articles and videos custom to your journey
Group Coaching Program
Coming soon!
Important: These coaching services are not intended for individuals with a physical dependence on alcohol.
These coaching services include medical, psychological, and physiological information relating to alcohol and addiction. This program is primarily intended for individuals with a psychological or emotional dependence to alcohol. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological treatment or evaluation. It is strongly recommended that you seek professional advice regarding your health before attempting to incorporate any advice given into your life, especially if you have reached a point of physical dependence on alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms due to a physical dependence on alcohol have the potential to be severe, and in some cases life-threatening. Those who seek to abstain entirely from alcohol beverages should consult first with a qualified healthcare professional. The information provided is not meant to replace professional, medical guidance.