What’s with the name, “mOOOre”?

Simply put, there’s more to this story…

The OOO in “mOOOre” represents an ellipsis…

An ellipsis indicates there is more…to read…to learn…to do…to enjoy…you get the picture!

I’ve always loved ellipses, and have been inclined to use them profusely throughout my 20+ year career in marketing communications. It’s undoubtedly my favorite piece of punctuation…

But that’s not entirely why I centered my coaching business around it. Here’s the story…

When I was somewhere in my late 20s I was deeply involved in a young professionals’ networking group. I mean, I was ALL-IN…’cause that’s how I roll.

I just realized I have to name the group for this story to make sense…

So this group, Ad2, was for young marketing and advertising professionals. It bridges the gap to address the unique needs of the noobs coming out of college and navigating their way into the industry…

Because I was always on a BOD, or the Committee Chair of something, I attended a lot of conferences. At conferences, I did a lot of partying. But I was all business by day…

A splinter group called Ad3 formed. As I understood it (or chose to interpret at the time), being included in the group required that you were up past bar closing time, and at the first meeting of the day…for the full duration of the conference.


Maaaaaannnn! I gave many a presentation with my eyeballs floating around in my head! At the time, I wore it like a badge of honor.

So much so, that I decided to get the 3 dots (that had somehow become representative of the group - I have no idea how), tattooed on my foot…

To me it represented balance: Work hard - play hard. That was a theme I’d latched onto and carried with me as I evolved from a dependent teen to independent adult…

Yadda, yadda…over 20 years later (the gap will come to be filled in as I share more stories of my journey - shameless plug: be sure to sign up for email newsletters and/or follow my socials)...

I find myself at this…crossroads?? (still haven’t found words to describe)

After a year alcohol free…

I had much mOOOre clarity than ever before! I was starting to understand that my 20-year career, was a bit of a success trap. Although I enjoyed the work most of the time, loved the people I worked with, and made good money…I just wasn’t fulfilled.

With my new found clarity around what I really want out of life, and mOOOre confidence in my direction…I accepted an invite to interview with This Naked Mind Institute for Coaching Certification.

Shortly after deciding to make that hefty investment, I was presented with an opportunity to join a Real Estate Investing mentorship program for women. Another hefty investment of finances and time…

It seemed CRAZY to take both of these on…

I was still managing marketing clients too…oh yeah, AND the 2 kids…(my husband corroborated the “CRAZY” theory).

Ya’ll (that’s right, I AM from TX afterall). Ya’ll. You KNOW all of the above was hard. And I did it without alcohol. I SO look forward to showing you how 💚! But I digress…

The point of all that was I had been on a journey to figure out my purpose in life and it was all starting to come together…

Coaching would be what fulfills me, real estate would fulfill my bank accounts, but wait, there’s mOOOre…

They would each serve both purposes! For 2-3 years I had been untangling this deep desire to do something. Something related to families, children…something that would help break negative cycles handed down through generations, and help families make positive changes that would exponentially uplift society as a whole! Whoa!

I attended a conference (back at it - ALL-IN - sans booze) with the group of investing women. I cannot do the vibe justice. It was incredible, exhilarating…so many new experiences and feelings for me…

The organization hosting the conference supports a non-Profit called Warrior Women (powered by SHINE). Their cause of supporting single moms really hit home and brought even more clarity to my purpose and vision. Turns out the ellipses is central to their message and the hope they bring to families…

Feeling a bit gobsmacked…

by the sudden firehose of clarity around my purpose and how I could begin to get started…and the immense feeling that those three dots on my foot were always intended to mean something mOOOre…and here it was!

I felt compelled to go out to the Warrior Women kiosk and have a chat with their Executive Director. When I told her my story, and how I just had an overwhelming feeling that many years ago there was somehow an intentional plan to place me in that moment, in that environment…she said, “You are not going to believe this…”

“Just yesterday, I was praying that someone from Georgetown would come to me and want to start up the program in that area…”

There is mOOOre to this story. And you are now a part of it…

I will post more about my purpose and mission as it evolves, now let’s look at your story…

There IS mOOOre to your story…

Will it be what you WANT it to be?

If you are like me pre-2021, wondering how much is too much, do I have a problem or am I totally normal? Then, you may not even be clear on what it is you want. Seems like “What do you want?” should be a pretty simple question to answer. Well, it wasn’t for me…and now I know I wasn’t alone… There IS a way to get clear and understand what I want…and that feels SO GOOD.

I’d love to invite you to explore your mOOOre. And to help you get unstuck… to figure what you really want… and GET IT!